Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Transpersonal Soul and Simplicity


The Non-Impersonator

Rising Higher

Oct 5, 2015


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs

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I am not an appearance.

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

Refuse to impersonate.

*Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. I AM THAT.

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As Spirit draws spirit into Spirit - which is one Spirit, one Thou -, this drawing is away from personality - the I, or person, or personaliy, that sees itself as a subject and object interacting with other diverse subjects and objects. Previously, identification was, at most, that one is a body with a soul - like a ghostly and invisible presence inside. Now, identification is as Spirit having a body. Really, we could say, there is no identification, anymore.

The self that sees itself as a self among other selves is always impersonating, for it has no innate identity. This is a source of so much "hero worship" in innumerable disguises - religious heros, war heros, movie star heros, rock star heros, sports heros, ... The Soul needs no hero. The personality can only survive based on impersonation, and hero-worship validates it and inspires it. I am not saying this is wrong, I am saying this is simply not arising from the Soul alone, but from the fiction that we are essentially a personality. Even as I hear it, from over five decades among professing Christians, most Christians - almost all - believe there will be a Christian heaven filled with Christian persons. Heaven, to the Soul, would have no persons whatever. Yet, "persons" reading this would likely totally misunderstand what is being written, and might say what is written is blasphemous, or laughable, when Truth is misconstrued by mere reason alone, for mere reason alone is a function of personality. I do not write to impersonate, anyway, nor do I live to impersonate - and that aided me in getting in a lot of supposed trouble as a Christian clergyperson and college professor.

What you will see, as you are drawn back into the priority of innate, self-existing Spirit is how persons will create drama around you, at times against you. The impersonating personalities of others cannot sustain the Light of a non-person - that is, Someone living from Itself, not living from Its donned clothing of body and mind. This seeking to validate personality as priority and identity, along with all its supposed innate rights, is integral to all the conflict in the world. Succinctly put, we are addicted to the lie we tell ourselves and live. Every major social institution supports this lie, including the institutional church - I wonder how much money the "church" would lose if persons knew the Truth that no "God" ever demanded humankind to give money to support an institution that promises it a heaven where persons like itself can live together rejoicing in their personal good fortune, all the while blissfully unaware - better, blissfully uncaring - of the majority of persons who suffer for they were not on the right team. Likewise, entire economies rely on this falsehood. No Soul wants a face lift. No Soul needs to call attention to itself with a fancy car. No Soul is interested in a ring or necklace with huge diamonds. And, so, authentic Beings are discredited for being True. Likewise, many politicians and religious leaders - among them gurus and preachers - pose as the real thing, and bring discredit on the validity of what I write today, and have written for a long time. And, while writing, I have had to endure travails of what Christianity speaks rightly, when it speaks of the crucifixion of the self. Yet, one finds, ironically, that self is not the self that self posed to be. (And any insight of wisdom from this writing is not any witness of this writer claiming any status of being enlightened, or saved, ... anything. He has no interest in making any such claim. His only claim is to be claimed by Grace to Love.)

Does the soul ever impersonate? Yes and no. The Soul delights to impersonate, for the giving and receiving of Grace. In some sense, the entire human journey is impersonation. The Soul has chosen to be here, to dive in and plumb the shallows and depths of human experience as Its own. The Soul consciously can choose any number of disguises, but Spirit identifies with no disguise. Yet, in the Soul knowing itself as the Soul, the Soul never suffers personally - though hurt and suffering is an essential part of Life on this planet. At times, personal hurt will enter, only to be consumed in the fire of impersonal, boundless Grace, and, at times, the created personality is astonished in such joyful and peaceful detachment. And, as the Soul does not have personal hurt, the Soul does not have personal joy. The celebration and joy of the Soul is not happiness, but prior to happiness. Then, too, the Soul knows It is not an individual Soul, but the Soul.

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Lake Ontelaunee, a place to quietly reflect


Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Move your cursor over photos to see photographer and name of photo.

*Lotus of the Heart is a Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi. Bless You Each & All!


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Transpersonal Soul and Simplicity

©Brian Wilcox 2024